the Blue Tulip Team

Nathan Van Dyken

Founder & CEO

Nathan Van Dyken is the CEO of Blue Tulip Publishing, he calls himself the CEO because to say he’s the Editor in Chief, well, it just seems weird to him considering he doesn’t do any editing. Ever. No really, don’t ask him to, you’ll be very disappointed.

But what Nate does do well? Everything else. Okay kidding, but he’s pretty incredible at finding good books, connecting those books to good editors, and then helping those books become bestsellers.

He’s seen first hand what the indie community is all about and after going to several book signings with his wife #1New York Times Bestseller, Rachel Van Dyken, he decided, there was a huge need for more indie publishers and an even bigger need for indie publishers who were willing to take a hit financially and not only PROMOTE the authors but market them and hold their hand while doing so.

He never saw himself as a publisher, and honestly, he doesn’t think of himself as one. He’s a businessman, an entrepreneur, and he wants to help make you the best author and business person you can be as well!

Paula Buckendorf


Paula has been in the editing world for the last four years. Before that, she spent her career as a teacher and principal. (Middle school kids rock!) She’s a mother of three boys and a wife of thirty-seven years to her childhood sweetheart. Paula also does bookkeeping for Blue Tulip and is excited to watch this great company grow with more awesome authors!

Laura Heritage

cover designer 

Not only is Laura Heritage a USA Today Bestselling author, but she does some amazing cover art too! She owns PS Cover designs and editing.

We are honored to have her on board!

Amy Senethavilay


Amy Senethavilay currently serves as an editor at Blue Tulip Publishing. Amy holds a Masters in Organization Leadership, an Education Specialist Degree in School Leadership, and is a National Board Certified Teacher. By day she is an elementary school principal for a small community school; by night, Amy serves as the CEO of her household, running her two boys between sports and music events with the help of her amazing husband. Her passion for reading and writing and her background as an English teacher for 13 years has lead Amy to find ways to be involved in the world of writers. Amy can often be found curled up with her e-reader and a cup of tea enjoying a quiet adventure. Cheers to the next amazing read!

Monica Kimble


Monica Kimble is a one of a kind professional do it all, though she prefers the title 'Editor Extraordinaire' . She has spent the majority of her life on the road keeping affairs in order for musicians from all genres. After fifteen years in the music industry where she handled everything from promotion to PR (Insert kitchen sink comment here, because that about covers it!) she decided to bring her talents to the wonderful world of books, and has joined the wonderful team at Blue Tulip Publishing. Her passion for life is contagious, and love of coffee as equally exuberant. She enjoys all things Scottish, Vampires, Jane Austen, and has a slight lollipop addiction. When she's not on the road at a concert or author related extravaganza, you can find her in Arizona where she will be most assuredly wearing no makeup while watching Pride and Prejudice contemplating her next grand adventure!

Liza Tice


Liza lives is sunny (well most of the time) Northwest Florida Panhandle with her swoon worthy husband, Brian, and two beautiful daughters, Faith and Lena. She is from a small little southern town and has a southern belle accent which draws many, “Aw you are so precious” comments at writer conventions.

Liza began her career as a full time beta reader for New York Times Best Selling Author, Rachel Van Dyken. She started with Rachel on book two of her career three years ago. She is now working as Nathan Van Dyken’s Personal Assistant with Blue Tulip Publishing where she is an acquisitions editor, beta reader and content editor. She also owns Southern Belle Editing where her services include: developmental/content editing, beta reading, personal assistance to authors and other author services.

Liza enjoys reading historical romance, new adult, contemporary romance and young adult genres. She has also found a love for paranormal and fantasy, if it is not scary or too dark.